Thanksgiving was wonderful for me this year. My husband and I were invited to my brother’s house.
“What time should we be there?” I asked. “Whenever you’d like,” he replied. Then he paused, “actually...how early can you get here?” Now, mind you, dinner wasn’t to be served until around 3:30pm. I knew this from a previous conversation. He had everything under control, as he always does, bless him. He didn’t need me to rescue him in the kitchen; the guy can cook up a storm. So when he asked us to come early, my heart did a little dance inside my chest. His question was code for “I love you, and I want to spend special time with you before everyone else arrives.” Why do brothers have such a hard time saying the actual words? Maybe it’s a man thing....I don’t know. Anyway, I would walk through fire for my brother; so needless to say, I was thrilled by this gentle display of affection.

It’s so nice to be wanted by a member of my family, instead of being an obligatory afterthought. But then, I’m sure that I can be a real pita sometimes, so who could blame them for often inviting us when it’s obviously too late to attend?
Back to the party. The food was delicious, my brother and sister-in-law were awesome, the other invitees were quite animated, and I think I managed to get through an entire day without boring the snot out of anyone...a new record for me!!
Christmas is arriving too quickly this year. The moderator of my illustrator’s critique group came up with a great idea, everyone swapped names and they’re working on Artist Trading Cards for each other. I had my head in the sand when the idea was presented to the group, so I missed out. Instead of boo-hooing, I took it as an opportunity to do something that would make me feel “Christmassy”. I decided to make cards for everyone in the group! What fun it has been! The images you see in this post are a sneak peak.
I’ll check in again when I have the rest done. I’ve got to work fast!
In the meantime, I’m getting close to the finish line with my picture book, “Alphey Loves

One more important update that I MUST mention. My great-nephew, Alexander is almost 7 months old now! He is trying so hard to talk, mouthing the words without any sound escaping his lips. It’s too cute! He’s

All my best to you my friend. May the season bring you as much joy as you have given me throughout the year,...and that's a lot!