If you are an author, and do not yet have a blog site of your very own, you are on the verge of slipping into a time warp. *Let me rescue you from obscurity by bringing you into the light and the 21st century!
Blog sites are easy to set up and maintain, it is not rocket science. If you have time for a 15 minute phone call, once a week, then you have time for a blog.
You may ask, "Why do I need one?" The answer is simple. If you are a writer who aspires to sell books, then you will need a vehicle to promote your books when they reach publication. Remember, writing your book is only the beginning. The real work starts when it hits the bookstores! Your publisher will (most likely) only play a small role in promoting your book. The majority of the work, will be left to you. Why not begin by building your audience now?
It will impress editors and publishers if you can include a blog site on your cover and query letters. They will immediately know that you are unafraid to put yourself out there, promoting yourself and your work.
It is becoming increasingly popular for editors to check out author's blog sites to get a feel for their writing style prior to offering a book deal. If they like what they read, they are more inclined to make an offer. That being said, it is no surprise that accuracy (contrary to popular belief) is very important. Maintaining a blog will help you to begin thinking like an editor when you are writing entries to post. In doing so, your over-all writing skills will begin to improve.
One of the great things about blogs, is that the topics are infinite. You can write about anything you like (or don't like). You can post a snippet everyday, or you can post a paragraph once a week. Some authors post an article a month. Blogs are as individual as the writers themselves. Your blog is your baby...you can do whatever you like! Just remember, it will be read!
I find that the more I add to my blog, the easier blogging becomes. My site has become a place where I can vent, share, inform, reminisce and dream. I usually surprise myself by the time I have typed the last word. The unexplainable magic that happens when you know you've hit on something, is what keeps me coming back for more.

Looking back at past posts, they are a reminder of where I've been, and how far I have come. Someday, I hope to be a well-known author. It's nice to know that my blog will be there, long after I'm gone. For my loyal readers, it will not be just an affirmation of my success, but a testimony of who I was as a human being.